
The Hope for India Project is an indigenous-led effort in Tenali, AP India. The leaders in this ministry are conducting much needed medical camps in their surrounding villages and areas. They are providing needy people with check-ups, counseling and prayer, as well as providing necessary medicines with limited resources. In India, if you have AIDS, you cannot receive treatment in hospitals, so medical camps are one of the only options for people in that situation.

Thank you Water4Life Ministry!

A big part of this ministry is educating people about HIV AIDS, how it is contracted, safety precautions and awareness of this disastrous epidemic. If workers can educate the people’s minds, the hope is that the people will then take steps protect their bodies and help one another.

Workers maintain an orphanage as a safe home for children left parentless because of HIV AIDS, physically handicapped children and children orphaned by other unfortunate circumstances.There are currently 50 children in the orphanage.

The Lord tells us in James 1:27 that “Pure and undefiled religion before God is this – to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”

Widows once afflicted are now being helped, visited and comforted with regular care and attention – as well as being given the food, clothing, blankets, medicines and hygienic products and now safe,clean drinking water. Widows that would otherwise be without care are shown the love of God through this important and heartfelt outreach.

The Lord is also mightily ministering through local workers to spread the gospel! They are establishing rural churches and conducting crusades and seminars.

Religion has always been an important part of the India’s culture. The vast majority of Indians associate themselves with at least one religion. Indian census has established that Hinduism accounts for 80% of the population of India. The second largest religion is Islam, at about 13% of the population. About 2% of Indians consider themselves Christians.

Pray for the leaders of the Hope for India Project, as Christians are a persecuted minority in India. All the workers are currently self supporting. So far, these faithful workers have established seven congregations in different parts of Andra Pradesh state. About ninety percent of their evangelistic work is done throughout the Hindu and tribal peoples in rural and urban slum areas.

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