Volunteer Stories
We will be adding new volunteer stories each month now as they come in. Please keep checking back.

Featured story: Maple Valley Elementary
February was Missions Month on the Rainier Christian Schools 2019 Maple Valley Elementary campus!
During the school 2019s Missions Month Kick-off Chapel at the end of January, the 100 kindergarten through sixth grade students heard some startling statistics about the lack of clean, safe water in countries around the world. They were also introduced to Water4LifeMinistry and the desire of Mr. Rudy Shaffer to take 250 Sawyer water filters back to the countries of Vietnam and Cambodia, from which he had just returned.
All the students started their fund raising campaign by participating in a Mini (30 minute) Walk 4 Water Walk-a-Thon sponsored by our Teacher/Parent Fellowship group. In that short period of time, the students earned enough money to purchase our first water filter! Students were then challenged to set walking/running goals and participate in a month-long Walk 4 Water Walk-a-Thon. They asked parents, friends, and relatives to sponsor them, and then went about spending their recess time during the month of February walking or running laps.
All month long, students not only participated in the Walk 4 Water Walk-a-Thon, but they also did extra chores to earn extra money. They weeded for water. They cleaned out closets and sold old clothes and toys for cash. In addition, since we live in Seahawks country, students even set out collection jars at Super Bowl parties to collect change from family, friends and football fans. Every week as the donations were counted, it seemed that the total amount was doubled.
When the last of the donations were finally counted, the student and families of Rainier Christian Schools – Maple Valley had learned that our amazing God can bless our generous efforts, and that with Him anything is possible. Including some matching funds from the Boeing Company, Water4LifeMinistries received $6,343.50 from the small Christian school in Washington State! That means 126 Sawyer water filters will be sent to Cambodia and Vietnam to families in desperate need of clean, healthy water. These water filters, along with the message of Christ’s redeeming love, will save the lives of hundreds of people. What a joy it was to be a part of God’s big plan and work alongside Water4LifeMinistry!
Blessings…Denise Butler
Featured story: Josh Walters
Hi, my name is Josh Walters. I am a Boy Scout working on my Eagle and for my project I decide to help people understand the importance of water, while at the same time helping get donations for water filters for an orphanage in Uganda, Africa. I did a presentation and demonstration using the Sawyer Water Filter for my church and educated over 50 people on the diseases you can get from bad water. I explained that the Sawyer gravity fed filter can filter down to .1 microns which gets out the main diseases like ghardaia, salmonella, e coli and hepatitis A. It was important to me to help people understand that we need to be prepared for emergencies, they don’t just happen in other countries.

I also did a demonstration with some really horrible looking water. It was almost black and after it was filtered it was crystal clear. I had some scouts at the meeting and they drank the water to show it was safe. One lady said a scout would drink anything, so she had my mom drink the water, too. It was really funny. Any way, the people were then able to place orders for filter kits that I would put together with the help of my scout troop. They could also donate to the filters for Uganda.
I ordered Sawyer gravity fed filters, got buckets with lids, drilled the holes for the filter and put tape over the opening to keep it clean, added the sticker with the instructions and then delivered the filter kits right to the door steps of all those that ordered kits. It worked out great and the other scouts and I had a great time doing this service project.
I really didn’t know what to expect for the number of people that would want filters. I just hoped I could help get the word out that everyone needs to have a filter with their emergency supplies. In the end, I was able to help 52 families in my church get filters. I also was hoping for at least 10-15 filters to Water4Life Ministry. I ended up getting 34 filters to send with the Water4life Ministry Uganda team, thanks to so many generous people donating. It was a really awesome project and I am glad I got to help so many people.
Featured story: Hunter Moore
My name is Hunter Moore I am 16 and living with my family in Southern Utah. I was able to work with Water4Life Ministry for my scout Eagle project. This project went so well. I had received all the water filter kit parts in separate bags from this organization. I got many friends, family, and members of my troop together ( see photos ) to help sort out and assemble the completed water filter kits. I also fundraised $750 dollars to donate towards the purchase of the water filter buckets you will see in the photos. I loved working with this organization to help bring safe, clean drinking water to hundreds of children in Nepal.