
Become An Ambassador

Please decide to help Us

Decide on a Fundraiser

Do you have a mom or dad, or how about brothers and sisters?  Sure you do, and we bet you have a ton of family and friends. Call them all today and ask them to be part of your campaign by spreading the word and helping you save the forgotten little children in the world.  Be Bold!  Call everyone you know!

Where to Do Fundraising


Are you a teacher?  Do you know a teacher?  Are you a student?  Are any of your children students?  Get your school involved.  Help save other children in the world.


Get your church involved. Talk to your Pastor, set up a booth, place an advertisement in your church newsletter, and organize a church fundraiser.  You can do this!


Are you the Boss? Discuss with your boss ways the company you work for could do something to help save children and lives in the world.

Gyms and other Memberships

Get together with the owner or some other members and discuss a fundraiser, be creative, be bold please help us! 

Fundraising ideas

All of the following fundraising ideas are being accomplished every week by 8-year-olds with moms and dads, teenagers getting together, sports teams, schools, churches and groups of women and/or men and all to reach out to make a difference in the world in a cause they believe in. Your decision to join us and organize one of these fundraisers will save precious children/lives in the world by providing them clean, safe drinking water. Be Bold! Be Creative!

Smaller Fundraisers

Bake Sales

Car Washes

Pancake breakfast

Door to Door “Change for Water”

Table at your church setup with bucket/filter

Change for Water > setup a bucket with filter with a sign letting people know that a child dies every 20 seconds from drinking contaminated water…place at schools and or high traffic businesses. You can also place small plastic boxes with our dirty baby bottle photo in small businesses for people to donate their change, like McDonalds does for Ronald McDonald ( we can supply everything that you need ).

Medium size fundraisers

Awareness/fundraiser on high traffic business street corners > large banner with several buckets/filters to attract people and hand out our new flyer.

Bowling tournament ( my Rotary club holds one of these each year and they raise at least $10K ).

Food taste and Rubber Ducky Competition > get nearby restaurants involved, with clowns and face painting for children and sell rubber ducks (1@$10, 3@$25, 20@$100 ) which people sign to be thrown out in the waves, first ones to hit the sand wins prizes donated by nearby retail stores..this can also be done in a large pool ( a charity just did this in SD and raised $17K )

Script/Gift cards > this can raise a lot of money, a good website to look at for ideas is www.glscrip.com

Water balloon toss competition/barbecue > this can be held at a beach or park and be a blast, while raising a lot of money ( include a dunking tank ).

Miniature golf competition > these can be so much fun, offer prizes for best team scores…promote through your church, schools, clubs or company you work for.

Elementary and High School fundraisers > talent shows, fashion shows, school dance, concert. Student vs Teachers: basketball, softball etc. Parents can sell homemade items and drinks…combine with a raffle.

Larger Fundraisers ( get your church, school, sports team or club involved )

Run/Walk or Bike event > this can be planned by itself or combined with a concert and or VIP lunch and key speakers.

Dinner with silent auction, speakers and entertainment > sell tables for (8) to businesses or people in your church and have them invite their key customers and friends for donations. .

Decide right now to start saving children/lives in the world!!

We will

create a personal page for you on our website that you can send to people.

We will

help you plan your fundraising game plan.

You could

earn a spot on a mission team heading out in the world with one of Our Partners.

We will

provide the T- shirts.

Please contact us. We can be reached at (858)215-0801. There are many people who want to help you and brainstorm with you in planning your event so that it will be a lot of fun and a success! We have given you some fundraising ideas but if you think outside the box, you may come up more!