Our Strategy
Be a champion for Children!
“You never stand so tall as when you stoop to help a child “
– Compassion International Dr. Wess Stafford- President
Our four stage strategy:

Mission teams
Water4Life Ministry’s initial focus is to provide, at no cost, the life saving Village water filter to every person on every mission team heading out to impoverished countries in the world. Imagine every teenager and every adult on every mission team, putting just one filter in a small pocket of their backpack. The potential is tens of thousands of these life saving filters being distributed all over the world, saving millions of children and adult lives each and every day. Now, we’re part of changing history, Now, through your beautiful heart of giving, you will be part of changing the horrific statistic that a child dies in the world every 20 seconds and most are under the age of 5.
Water4Life Ministry is also focusing on providing missionaries all over the world the life saving Village filter at no cost. Through churches from all over the United States and the world, there already exits thousands of missionaries already planted in third world countries trying to share the Christian faith and helping the poor. Whether it’s a young American gal who just graduated from College and she chose to go to Uganda to help teach children English and share her faith, to a family who is planted through their church in India to share their faith and help the poor, Water4Life Ministry will be providing each missionary with the Sawyer filter. Each of these missionaries then become our distribution point to provide filters for safe drinking water to families and villages near where they live. Just Imagine the lives being saved each and every day just through missionaries.

Another Water4life Ministry focus is partnering with Pastors already planted in third world counties. As with missionaries, their exists thousands of Pastors in third world countries, who with your help, we will be providing safe drinking water to tens of thousands of children and adults in the villages and communities where their churches exist. You can just imagine the lives that will be impacted over time, through these trusted pastors once the near by villages and communities discover that their neighboring village and community has access to disease free safe drinking water.
Project Partners
Water4Life Ministry is forming close partnerships with established and credible organizations that have spent years perfecting the skills and technology to provide sustainable, long lasting, safe drinking water in their specific country, such as well-drilling. What most of these need to help save more lives, is additional funding to expand their outreach and scope. So part of our strategy is to help already existing non-profits do even more to save lives. Partners that have been in their specific country and area for years, that know the language and customs of the people and have mastered the terrain and have knowledge of the water issues facing their communities

Our Partners