Our Start
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – GandhiÂ
Rudy’s story:
I decided Christmas 2010, to spend the rest of my life, doing whatever I have to do, to help save children and lives in the world, thought clean, safe drinking water solutions.
I believe that God first planted the seed in my heart for our ministry over seven years ago, when I went on my first mission trip with Spectrum Ministries across the border into Tijuana, Mexico. Spectrum Ministries goes into the poorest of the poor areas of Tijuana to bathe little children and provide food, blankets and clothes to the families. Approx 100 or more little girls and 100 little boys are waiting in line for the Spectrum vans to show up in their area once a month and it’s usually the only bath these little ones get for the next 30 days.
My daughters Taysia and Kysha would usually accompany me to help bathe the little girls and I always enjoyed washing the feet of the little boys, so I could tickle their feet, in order to see them smile and laugh. Most had no shoes and if they did, when they took their shoes off, their socks and feet were caked with dirt from the rain and mud.
For me, these trips started putting faces on the more then one billion living in extreme poverty in the world. Children, the smallest, weakest members of our human family, often pay the highest price for our fallen world.
My children and I now sponsor four children in third world countries, two through Compassion International and two through World Vision. These are wonderful organizations who give children hope for their lives and each child we sponsor has touched our lives deeply. I’ve also been blessed over the past year with being a Mentor for a 12 year old foster boy here in San Diego, his name is Kirk.
Water…every 20 seconds a child dies in the world from drinking unsafe water- hold that thought for a moment, count off 20 seconds, a child just died.

How can we each not take action right now, to do something about this horrific statistic once we know it exists. For me, I accidentally discovered this unbelievable death rate effecting the forgotten children in the world doing some research on the internet over these past Christmas holidays and I knew immediately that I had to do something.
And that something for me is Water4Life Ministry. Our mission is to help change this horrendous fact effecting helpless children in the world, by doing whatever we can to provide safe drinking water to every child, woman and man on earth who as you are reading this, has no choice but to drink contaminated water to try and stay alive.
We all have a profound obligation to care for the children and the poor in the world. I encourage you and challenge you, that now that you also know that a child dies in the world every 20 seconds from drinking unsafe water, turn you’re good, loving intentions into a plan of action. Empower yourself right now to be part of changing the world and the future for humanity- forever!
The people are so poor and desperate that they are selling their children just to survive. They got to personally see the water they are drinking. It was absolutely horrible and full of disease. The children are dying from typhoid and all the other things that the Village filters eliminate.

I would love to meet with you or talk with you on the phone about our ministry and about you joining us….please call me at 858-215-0801 Rudy
I sincerely believe that giving is the ability to use one’s position of influence and relative wealth to effect lives for the better.
Please decide to help us save children and lives- with you joining us, we will make an impact on the world…thank you!