We Save Children’s Lives
Please Join Us & Become the Voice for the Precious Little Ones in the World

A child dies in the world every 20 seconds from drinking contaminated water…that’s over 4,000 babies and small children each and every day!
Over 4 million people in the world die each year from water related diseases.. children, the smallest weakest members of our human family, more then often pay the greatest price.

Contaminated water causes so much destruction!!
Health: Half of the world’s hospital beds are filled with people suffering from a water-related disease.
Education: 1 in 4 girls do not complete primary school due to a lack of safe water access and sanitation facilities.
Equality: Women and young girls are 2x as likely to fetch water as men which robs them of the chance to go to school and earn an income and increases the likelihood of sexual assault.
Economy: Water poverty drags down an economy. But every $1 invested in clean water can yield up to $12 in economic returns in each community.
Because of caring, loving people like you, who have helped us send precious souls around the world, our life saving water filters and install wells… Tens of thousands of children/family members wake up each morning now and have safe, clean water to drink in Guatemala, Kenya, Ethiopia, India, Yemen and 16 other countries…please decide to join us!
Who We Are
We believe that access to clean water is a fundamental human right. Our mission is to break the cycle of poverty, babies dying in the world from drinking contaminated water, restore dignity and inspire dreams one community, village, family and mother at a time.
Which is why we have committed our lives to providing the suffering in the world with our portable water filter systems and drilling of wells.
The global water crisis is solvable. It just comes down to a choice: those who have access to clean water, choosing to provide it for those who don’t. On behalf of the entire team at Water4LifeMinistry, we ask you to join us to help the suffering in the world.
Mark 9:41
…For whoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because you belong to Christ, truly I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.
Please join us to help us give mothers safe, clean drinking water…this is the impact your funds will make…
$100 > will give 4 families safe clean drinking water for 10 years.
$250 > 10 families
$500 > 20 families
$1,000 > 40 families
$2,500 > 100 families
$5,000 > 200 families
Please help us, click bellow
$25 will provide a family with safe, clean drinking water for 10 years…WE NEED YOUR HELP!!
Become an Ambassador
to help us save children’s lives in the world…learn all the ways you can help…
Below are videos of 4 countries/projects we are helping right now…please decide to join us!
You have the power to choose which project the funding you raise as an Ambassador helps and or your donation.
Guatemala – Baby rescue project
See our rescue of baby Tilda in Guatemala- help us save these precious little ones.
Guatemala – Community water project
See the families we distribute our life saving water filters too in Guatemala- they need your help.
India – village water projects
Travel to India in this video and see how we are helping entire villages have safe water to drink- please join us!
Kenya- Village Wells Project
See the amazing impact each water well makes on the lives of hundreds of young girls and women in Kenya. Please help us!
Why We are Doing This!
to help children have better lives!