
Lina’s Story

Lina and her children face enormous challenges, it is evident the love they have for each other and their desire to change their futures.

Lina’s Story


Lina is an exceptional mother who lives in Santa Maria de Jesus. The father of the children rarely comes around…so heartbreaking for Lina and her precious children. He is an unfaithful spouse, who does not contribute to the financial needs of the family. Therefore Lina is left to work and provide for her children; and even though it’s a very hard life for her as you can imagine, she does it with all of the love that she has in her heart for these wonderful children.

Lina’s oldest son, Leandro, is 18 years old. She also has a son, Bryan, of 16 years old, and one of 13 named Julio. These three boys help her by working in the fields 6 days each week, harvesting tomatoes and snow peas. When Lina is not able, the three boys work on their own to be able to provide food etc for their mother and siblings. She also has a daughter Fabiola who is 12 years old, Alexander who is 9, Santos who is 7, Jose who is 3, and Joselyn who is a year and a half old.
They live in a home that has some block and lamina as a ceiling, and a very primitive type kitchen and bathroom. The little electricity they have only works part of the time. Their water only flows around 1-2 hours per day and the next day none. The children share beds and some have no mattresses…we are giving them new bunkbeds with mattresses, sheets, blankets, so they all have their own bed, so they can all get a good nights sleep.

Fabiola and Santos are still in school and doing extremely well. It is wonderful to see Fabiola still studying, as she is a girl and they typically aren’t encouraged to study after a certain age. But Lina understands the importance of her education, and of Santos. The older boys work in rain and the hot sun 6 days/week and only make around $5/day…with Sponsorship funds, they can go back to school and change their lives future and their families.

Although Lina and her children face enormous challenges, it is evident the love they have for each other and their desire to change their futures.


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